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FOX SLS Coil Spring
From €179,00
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Your FOX Spring

Your FOX Spring

FOX SLS Coil Spring
We recommend this spring for your shock, weight and bike travel. Want something different?


Standard: Metric
Adjustment: 2pos-Adj


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FREE SHIPPING OVER €49 30 Day Returns
Kein Federbein klebt so am Boden, wie ein Dämpfer mit Stahlfeder. Der DHX2 kombiniert dieses Gefühl mit einer ausgeklügelten progressiven Dämpfung, einem breiten Abstimmungsbereich sowie einem besonders reibungsarmen Innenleben, um das Fahrerlebnis eines fliegenden Teppichs zu ermöglichen.
PART NUMBER 978-01-582

NEW chassis & damper

NEW detents on spring collar to prevent loosening under light preload conditions

NEW high-flow main piston

NEW MCU bumper for increased end stroke progression and bottom out control

NEW ultra-low friction, highly durable hard chrome damper shaft finish

NEW improved high-speed rebound tunability via addition of VVC (Variable Valve Control)

NEW improved bearing ratio for metric sizes

NEW graphics

Matching 8-click HSC and HSR adjustment on GRIP2 forks and X2 shocks

Increased control and decreased harshness via linear damping

Steel outer body and finned inner body for improved structural rigidity and reduced hysteresis

Independent firm mode circuit – firmer lockout than previous DHX2

Reduced friction

Reduced length reservoir for better fit on more frames

SERIES Factory
PART NUMBER 978-01-583

NEW chassis & damper

NEW detents on spring collar to prevent loosening under light preload conditions

NEW high-flow main piston

NEW MCU bumper for increased end stroke progression and bottom out control

NEW ultra-low friction, highly durable hard chrome damper shaft finish

NEW improved high-speed rebound tunability via addition of VVC (Variable Valve Control)

NEW improved bearing ratio for metric sizes

NEW graphics

Matching 8-click HSC and HSR adjustment on GRIP2 forks and X2 shocks

Increased control and decreased harshness via linear damping

Steel outer body and finned inner body for improved structural rigidity and reduced hysteresis

Independent firm mode circuit – firmer lockout than previous DHX2

Reduced friction

Reduced length reservoir for better fit on more frames

SERIES Factory
PART NUMBER 978-01-584

NEW chassis & damper

NEW detents on spring collar to prevent loosening under light preload conditions

NEW high-flow main piston

NEW MCU bumper for increased end stroke progression and bottom out control

NEW ultra-low friction, highly durable hard chrome damper shaft finish

NEW improved high-speed rebound tunability via addition of VVC (Variable Valve Control)

NEW improved bearing ratio for metric sizes

NEW graphics

Matching 8-click HSC and HSR adjustment on GRIP2 forks and X2 shocks

Increased control and decreased harshness via linear damping

Steel outer body and finned inner body for improved structural rigidity and reduced hysteresis

Independent firm mode circuit – firmer lockout than previous DHX2

Reduced friction

Reduced length reservoir for better fit on more frames

SERIES Factory
PART NUMBER 978-01-585

NEW chassis & damper

NEW detents on spring collar to prevent loosening under light preload conditions

NEW high-flow main piston

NEW MCU bumper for increased end stroke progression and bottom out control

NEW ultra-low friction, highly durable hard chrome damper shaft finish

NEW improved high-speed rebound tunability via addition of VVC (Variable Valve Control)

NEW improved bearing ratio for metric sizes

NEW graphics

Matching 8-click HSC and HSR adjustment on GRIP2 forks and X2 shocks

Increased control and decreased harshness via linear damping

Steel outer body and finned inner body for improved structural rigidity and reduced hysteresis

Independent firm mode circuit – firmer lockout than previous DHX2

Reduced friction

Reduced length reservoir for better fit on more frames

SERIES Factory
PART NUMBER 978-01-586

NEW chassis & damper

NEW detents on spring collar to prevent loosening under light preload conditions

NEW high-flow main piston

NEW MCU bumper for increased end stroke progression and bottom out control

NEW ultra-low friction, highly durable hard chrome damper shaft finish

NEW improved high-speed rebound tunability via addition of VVC (Variable Valve Control)

NEW improved bearing ratio for metric sizes

NEW graphics

Matching 8-click HSC and HSR adjustment on GRIP2 forks and X2 shocks

Increased control and decreased harshness via linear damping

Steel outer body and finned inner body for improved structural rigidity and reduced hysteresis

Independent firm mode circuit – firmer lockout than previous DHX2

Reduced friction

Reduced length reservoir for better fit on more frames

SERIES Factory
PART NUMBER 978-01-587

NEW chassis & damper

NEW detents on spring collar to prevent loosening under light preload conditions

NEW high-flow main piston

NEW MCU bumper for increased end stroke progression and bottom out control

NEW ultra-low friction, highly durable hard chrome damper shaft finish

NEW improved high-speed rebound tunability via addition of VVC (Variable Valve Control)

NEW improved bearing ratio for metric sizes

NEW graphics

Matching 8-click HSC and HSR adjustment on GRIP2 forks and X2 shocks

Increased control and decreased harshness via linear damping

Steel outer body and finned inner body for improved structural rigidity and reduced hysteresis

Independent firm mode circuit – firmer lockout than previous DHX2

Reduced friction

Reduced length reservoir for better fit on more frames

SERIES Factory
PART NUMBER 978-01-589

NEW chassis & damper

NEW detents on spring collar to prevent loosening under light preload conditions

NEW high-flow main piston

NEW MCU bumper for increased end stroke progression and bottom out control

NEW ultra-low friction, highly durable hard chrome damper shaft finish

NEW improved high-speed rebound tunability via addition of VVC (Variable Valve Control)

NEW improved bearing ratio for metric sizes

NEW graphics

Matching 8-click HSC and HSR adjustment on GRIP2 forks and X2 shocks

Increased control and decreased harshness via linear damping

Steel outer body and finned inner body for improved structural rigidity and reduced hysteresis

Independent firm mode circuit – firmer lockout than previous DHX2

Reduced friction

Reduced length reservoir for better fit on more frames

SERIES Factory
PART NUMBER 978-01-590

NEW chassis & damper

NEW detents on spring collar to prevent loosening under light preload conditions

NEW high-flow main piston

NEW MCU bumper for increased end stroke progression and bottom out control

NEW ultra-low friction, highly durable hard chrome damper shaft finish

NEW improved high-speed rebound tunability via addition of VVC (Variable Valve Control)

NEW improved bearing ratio for metric sizes

NEW graphics

Matching 8-click HSC and HSR adjustment on GRIP2 forks and X2 shocks

Increased control and decreased harshness via linear damping

Steel outer body and finned inner body for improved structural rigidity and reduced hysteresis

Independent firm mode circuit – firmer lockout than previous DHX2

Reduced friction

Reduced length reservoir for better fit on more frames

SERIES Factory
PART NUMBER 978-01-591

NEW chassis & damper

NEW detents on spring collar to prevent loosening under light preload conditions

NEW high-flow main piston

NEW MCU bumper for increased end stroke progression and bottom out control

NEW ultra-low friction, highly durable hard chrome damper shaft finish

NEW improved high-speed rebound tunability via addition of VVC (Variable Valve Control)

NEW improved bearing ratio for metric sizes

NEW graphics

Matching 8-click HSC and HSR adjustment on GRIP2 forks and X2 shocks

Increased control and decreased harshness via linear damping

Steel outer body and finned inner body for improved structural rigidity and reduced hysteresis

Independent firm mode circuit – firmer lockout than previous DHX2

Reduced friction

Reduced length reservoir for better fit on more frames

SERIES Factory
PART NUMBER 978-01-592

NEW chassis & damper

NEW detents on spring collar to prevent loosening under light preload conditions

NEW high-flow main piston

NEW MCU bumper for increased end stroke progression and bottom out control

NEW ultra-low friction, highly durable hard chrome damper shaft finish

NEW improved high-speed rebound tunability via addition of VVC (Variable Valve Control)

NEW improved bearing ratio for metric sizes

NEW graphics

Matching 8-click HSC and HSR adjustment on GRIP2 forks and X2 shocks

Increased control and decreased harshness via linear damping

Steel outer body and finned inner body for improved structural rigidity and reduced hysteresis

Independent firm mode circuit – firmer lockout than previous DHX2

Reduced friction

Reduced length reservoir for better fit on more frames

SERIES Factory
PART NUMBER 978-01-593

NEW chassis & damper

NEW detents on spring collar to prevent loosening under light preload conditions

NEW high-flow main piston

NEW MCU bumper for increased end stroke progression and bottom out control

NEW ultra-low friction, highly durable hard chrome damper shaft finish

NEW improved high-speed rebound tunability via addition of VVC (Variable Valve Control)

NEW improved bearing ratio for metric sizes

NEW graphics

Matching 8-click HSC and HSR adjustment on GRIP2 forks and X2 shocks

Increased control and decreased harshness via linear damping

Steel outer body and finned inner body for improved structural rigidity and reduced hysteresis

Independent firm mode circuit – firmer lockout than previous DHX2

Reduced friction

Reduced length reservoir for better fit on more frames

SERIES Factory
PART NUMBER 978-01-594

NEW chassis & damper

NEW detents on spring collar to prevent loosening under light preload conditions

NEW high-flow main piston

NEW MCU bumper for increased end stroke progression and bottom out control

NEW ultra-low friction, highly durable hard chrome damper shaft finish

NEW improved high-speed rebound tunability via addition of VVC (Variable Valve Control)

NEW improved bearing ratio for metric sizes

NEW graphics

Matching 8-click HSC and HSR adjustment on GRIP2 forks and X2 shocks

Increased control and decreased harshness via linear damping

Steel outer body and finned inner body for improved structural rigidity and reduced hysteresis

Independent firm mode circuit – firmer lockout than previous DHX2

Reduced friction

Reduced length reservoir for better fit on more frames

SERIES Factory
PART NUMBER 978-01-595

NEW chassis & damper

NEW detents on spring collar to prevent loosening under light preload conditions

NEW high-flow main piston

NEW MCU bumper for increased end stroke progression and bottom out control

NEW ultra-low friction, highly durable hard chrome damper shaft finish

NEW improved high-speed rebound tunability via addition of VVC (Variable Valve Control)

NEW improved bearing ratio for metric sizes

NEW graphics

Matching 8-click HSC and HSR adjustment on GRIP2 forks and X2 shocks

Increased control and decreased harshness via linear damping

Steel outer body and finned inner body for improved structural rigidity and reduced hysteresis

Independent firm mode circuit – firmer lockout than previous DHX2

Reduced friction

Reduced length reservoir for better fit on more frames

SERIES Factory
PART NUMBER 978-01-596

NEW chassis & damper

NEW detents on spring collar to prevent loosening under light preload conditions

NEW high-flow main piston

NEW MCU bumper for increased end stroke progression and bottom out control

NEW ultra-low friction, highly durable hard chrome damper shaft finish

NEW improved high-speed rebound tunability via addition of VVC (Variable Valve Control)

NEW improved bearing ratio for metric sizes

NEW graphics

Matching 8-click HSC and HSR adjustment on GRIP2 forks and X2 shocks

Increased control and decreased harshness via linear damping

Steel outer body and finned inner body for improved structural rigidity and reduced hysteresis

Independent firm mode circuit – firmer lockout than previous DHX2

Reduced friction

Reduced length reservoir for better fit on more frames

SERIES Factory
PART NUMBER 978-01-597

NEW chassis & damper

NEW detents on spring collar to prevent loosening under light preload conditions

NEW high-flow main piston

NEW MCU bumper for increased end stroke progression and bottom out control

NEW ultra-low friction, highly durable hard chrome damper shaft finish

NEW improved high-speed rebound tunability via addition of VVC (Variable Valve Control)

NEW improved bearing ratio for metric sizes

NEW graphics

Matching 8-click HSC and HSR adjustment on GRIP2 forks and X2 shocks

Increased control and decreased harshness via linear damping

Steel outer body and finned inner body for improved structural rigidity and reduced hysteresis

Independent firm mode circuit – firmer lockout than previous DHX2

Reduced friction

Reduced length reservoir for better fit on more frames

SERIES Factory
Kompatible Teile und Zubehör


Im Folgenden finden Sie Informationen der FOX Factory GmbH ("FOX Factory") zu Lieferung, Versand und Zahlung.

I Preise und Bezahlung; Eigentumsvorbehalt

(1) Der Käufer erfährt die Preise der Waren im Webshop. Die hier angegebenen Preise beinhalten die jeweils in Deutschland gültige gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuer. Vom Käufer zu tragende Versandkosten werden gesondert ausgewiesen.

(2) Zahlungen können grundsätzlich per PayPal, Kreditkarte (MasterCard, Visa) oder Rechnung mit Klarna erfolgen. Die Verkäuferin behält sich vor, im Einzelfall bestimmte Zahlungsarten nicht anzubieten und auf andere Zahlungsarten zu verweisen.

(3) Bis zur vollständigen Bezahlung des Kaufpreises bleibt die gelieferte Ware im Eigentum der Verkäuferin.


II Lieferung

(1) Lieferungen erfolgen lediglich innerhalb von Deutschland und Österreich.

(2) Die Lieferung erfolgt an die vom Käufer in der Bestellung angegebene Lieferadresse, sofern keine abweichende Vereinbarung getroffen wurde.

(3) Lieferzeiten erfährt der Käufer im Webshop.

(4) Teillieferungen durch die Verkäuferin sind zulässig, soweit diese für den Käufer zumutbar sind, insbesondere wenn die Lieferung der restlichen bestellten Ware sichergestellt ist und dem Käufer dadurch kein erheblicher Mehraufwand oder keine erheblichen zusätzlichen Kosten entstehen. Jede Teillieferung kann gesondert in Rechnung gestellt werden.


  • 01

    Tuning Guide

    Learn how to quickly set sag, air spring pressure, compression adjustments, rebound adjust, additional tuning options and more.

    Learn More
  • 02

    Service Intervals

    For best performance, FOX recommends regular maintenance performed.

    Learn More